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~SWAN~ Evil Chair 'Drow' (boxed)

~SWAN~ Evil Chair 'Drow' (boxed)

~SWAN~ Evil Chairs

Presented by ~SWAN~, a fine evil chair for all your evil sitting needs!

A lovely dark and twisted build, ideal for fantasy roleplayers... drow, goblin, witch, orc, etc.

This one is a drow theme, nice n' cobwebby... (just mind ye don't poke ye eyes out on the pointy bits)

Along with the normal sits, you'll find some unique character animations available: angry, drunk and sleepy.
Animations for both tall (M) and short (F) avatars.

Creator - Cyneswith Luik of ~SWAN~

Second Life の商品を表示
  • A great fantasy chair for drow
  • 12 prims
  • Various animations for tall/short avatars
  • Includes drunk, sleepy and angry animations