Sailor Saturn's Silence Glaive from the popular anime Sailor Moon. The item most associated with Sailor Saturn is her iconic Silence Glaive, which, apart from its capacity as a bladed weapon, figures in many of her named attacks. It is referred to once as the "scythe of the Goddess of Death".
This version does not contain any poses/animations/scripts but I have the permissions set to copy/mod/no trans so you can add your own poses/animations/scripts.
See item in Second LifeCreator needs to pay attention.
Considering the age of most of these comments and the lack of response, I assume the creator has no interest in customer feedback. I at least received the item, but it is indeed no mod and even no copy, which is pretty much pointless. Might as well have made it no trans too. The fact that I'm giving it an extra star because I received the item at all, which is better than some can say, based on the other reviews.
I can't tell if it's a scam or simple carelessness, but even though I don't miss the money it's the ethical principle that matters to me in this case. This item is YES transferable, NO copy, and NO mod. I will gladly change this review if, by some small miracle, the creator comes back and rectifies this problem, preferably by making it Copy, Mod, No Trans.
Hello, today I bought this item and other related products for the sailor Moon theme. This product is not changed, transferred or copied. How is this possible? Why specify incorrect data?
Did Not recieve item
Is disappointed I did not receive this item.
can't get item
Would love to order this item but the system can't find it. I bet it's amazing.