G General

Scan & Lock - Privacy System

Scan & Lock - Privacy System

If you want to create a privacy area around you and your guests, and don't want to manage a list of user allowed to be present or not in the area, the SCAN & LOCK system is specially designed for this.
It's the perfect solution if you want to have a private area inside a public one. (Ex.: a backstore, a conference room in altitude over your public installations, etc.)

Create privacy can't be more simple:
Just to SCAN the present persons and to LOCK the access list.
Any other new comer will be ejected immediately until you release the system.

The protected area is 25m around the system, inside the limit of the owner land.
The system will be automatically released when nobody is present in the area.

This product is for land owner only.
"Scan & Lock - Privacy system" is a low lag solution.

Just rez it and place it in the center of the protected zone.

See item in Second Life
  • Privacy System, easy to install and easy to use.
  • No user list to manage.
  • Protect up to 25 meters around it, inside the owner land.
  • Self-deactivation when people leave.