G General

Script Overload Reminder

Script Overload Reminder

MM - Script Overload Reminder

suffering from LAG caused by hundreds of unneeded scripts around?

stop that nonsensical effects and remind your visitor to detach unneede scripts.

the Script Overload Reminder scans every visitor and if the attached scripts exceeds the predefined number of allowed scripts send a message asking for detaching scripted objects.

easy configuration of scan range, scan intervall, allowed scripts, repeating messages etc.etc...

Hovertext and colorchanges showing status of reminder.

copy, configuration card: full perm

Please rate and review this item after using it for awhile, and please give me any feedback if you have issues or would like to see new features implemented.
Also, check out my other items for sale on SL marketplace!

See item in Second Life
  • avoid unneeded lag
  • remind your visitors not produce lag by unneeded scripts
  • scans visitors and informs about attached scripts
  • reminds periodical
  • easy notecard configuration