Every once in a while people have a very annoying fly on their nose. They don't always see it themselves, but you do. And you want to swat it.
Now you can, with this scripted, animated mesh fly swatter with sounds. (Wear it, aim and press the mouse button to swat away.) Buy it now and kill those filthy little insect bastards!
* Script and animations are No Mod
See item in Second LifeLMAO
it's freaking funny, thank you the swatting animation is a bit too fast in my opinion but i think that's how you swat flies hehe thank you i love it
I like walking around fairy avatars, brandishing a fly swatter. Just for fun, though. I don't really slap them.
no instructions?
No Instructions....I'm walking around with a swatter in my hand but what next?
Finally a Flippin Fantastic Flyswatter!
A way to tell those annoying pests to buzz off once and for all.