The Matrix. A 20 segment digital display.
Display a standard message or a welcome 'avatar name' message to any avatar who approaches the Matrix.
Have the message stationary or scrolling right to left or left to right.
Menu driven, very simple to use
The Matrix is 10 metres long so have it in your shop to promote your goods, on the side of your building, anywhere where you need a variable display message.
- Scripted items from Delian Mayo
- Scrolling or static matrix display
- looks great at clubs or malls
- user definable message
- displays welcome plus avatar name
Sloppy scripting, poor construction, and the permissions are NOT as stated. Avoid this.
Item is NO copy!
So, if you make a mistake trying to modify it ( to scale it down you have to work with the indivitual linked prims ) you are hosed. The message is set by the title of the notecard, not card contents. Sloppy scripting, poor construction, and the permissions are NOT as stated. Avoid this like the plague.