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Sculpt palm trees with hammock Version 2

Sculpt palm trees with hammock

2 sculpt palms with hammock for couples, smooth swing movement. 6 menu driven custom animations (no poseballs); 1 single male and female and 2 couple.15 prims total, including shadows.

Touch hammock to start movement, click again to stop.
By default first sit is for female, but you can sit on the prim set for male if you want. The wood in hammock close to the bend palm is for males, the other one is for females. Sit and touch wood to open menu. Write on chat /1a to adjust position.

Scripted with Perfect multisitter- Zero lag (and very, VERY LOW when somebody is sitting). Remembers the favorite pose of the 100 most frequent users (multipose setups).
Avatars can easily adjust position and rotation while sitting: it will remember the custom settings of the 50 most frequent users who did it! For each pose! Perfect for any shape.

Please pay a visit to see it and to try it out.

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See item in Second Life
  • Sculpt palm tress with hammock
  • 6 custom animations
  • couple and single animations
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