-- No partial refunds on items discounted in-world if you buy it on the marketplace.
-Mailing List and Affiliate Vendors available in world. TP to main shop for more info.
-The sculpt maps are mod/copy/trans but the box, instruction, and chart guide are no trans to discourage redistribution.
Debugging your LOD settings is something that can and will make all your sculpts hold better. Just complete the following steps:
1. Show the "Advanced" menu with Ctrl-Alt-D, or Opt-Ctrl-D on a Mac.
2. Select "debug settings" near the bottom.
3. In the blank space, copy and paste the word:
4. I recommend setting it as high as 4 to get all your sculpts looking great.
NOTE: Unlike increasing your draw distance, this will NOT create lag for yourself or those around you! And it will improve the look of all sculpts.
Terms of Use
1. You may NOT give away or resell textures OR prims with full perms.
2. For use in your Second Life creations ONLY.
3. SL creations may be given away or sold as: mod/copy, mod/trans, copy only, or trans only
4. Textures may NOT be given away or sold.
5. License does NOT transfer to other grids. You may NOT upload or use these sculpties on other grids unless you purchased a license there also.
If any of these terms are breached, I will pursue appropriate DCMA action!
NOTE: This pack was created with Sculpt Studio by TheBlack Box.
See item in Second Life- Buy in world for loyalty rewards credit and special sales!
- 12 pentacles in 3 sizes, 24 sculpt maps total
- set to TORUS stitching type, naturally LOD resistant
- set all builds to phantom
- live DEMO in world
again this is fine work! and the good thing about them is that they are graphically stable which is very important...