Send Home - SecurityHUD
I think this is the best security system because you can not do anything wrong because something changes in sl or you get in trouble with rules, script errors and so on...
If you want to ban people better you use your parcel featues, even if you want to reduce the access.
But what if someone of your visitors makes troubles?
Best you can send him/her home. And if the person is too bad, you can set him on the ban list in your parcel features list.
This security tool i offer is to send someone on your parcel home.
Just wear the securityHud and the tool will scan around you all people. There are buttons for everyone you can click and send him home.
Note: You can only send home people which are on your parcel.Yourself included.
Note 2: I use it on group land and NOT must deed to the group this tool, this work without deeding. But i m not sure, that this will happens on all group land. So if not working, you must deed it to your land group.
You can use it as hud, or modify it (resize it) to use it on your land placed.
Copy - Modify
Prims 2
Works fine
Works all fine, but be aware, due to SL scripting limitations, if someone has a long name on your sim, it will block the script from working and give you the following error: "llDialog: button labels must be 24 or fewer characters long"
So if someone has a name, like "Chewbacca", don't forget it will have "Resident at the end", so it will look like "Chewbacca Resident", which will be 18 in size in total. If someone has a name with 25 characters, then it won't work.
Thanks to the creator for helping me on this issue
Exactly what i needed
Awesome little gadget! Small hud hangs on the bottom corner of ur screen and shows all the avi's near u. Not long distance. Click the box and a menu comes up with buttons to choose which avi u would like to send home and just like that...POOF!
Great price, great product! THANK YOU!
Works as promised!
Just what I've been looking for and being almost freebie, it's more than I asked for. Both scripts mod, so you can change the values if you wish. No need to deed on group land and when worn, you don't even have to stand inside ur parcel, to send home people inside your parcel. No group tag needed either. works as is (aslong as you have eject and freeze rights in your group).
Also note: if you rez the hud out, change inside the script the value Owneronly to TRUE, otherwise anybody can click and teleport people home.
thank you for this awesome useful HUD!