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SimWide BattleGround Radar [ tagSciFi tagGadgets ] Version 2.0

SimWide BattleGround Radar [ tagSciFi tagGadgets ]

SimWide BattleControl Radar or SWBC-R

Thanks for your interrest on this brand new product.

What's this product ?

Welcome to the next generation of 3Dimentional Radars for your Sim. It can manage unlimited amounts of avatars but also of Objects and Stargates.

Who might be interrested in this ?

It comes handy for sim owners or parcel owners that likes to keep an eye on the sim activity.


-Shows a sim preview over a squared area.
-Shows current position, rotation and status of any avatar on the sim (Sit,Flying,AFK,Busy.Typing)
-Shows current position, rotation & also status of any ASN Stargates and Novum Stargates on the sim (Dialing,Outgoing,Incoming).
-Interractive menu depending on the clicked Pin.*
-You can teleport to the avatars, stargates or objects. Or even beamup avatars via the menu.
-You can kill, ban, eject, cage avatars.
-You can grant permissions to use the interractive menu to other people, but they cannot use it against other listed people.
-You can easly make appear an object of your choice in the radar using the following script : "simwide.table.beam.lsl" in the package
-You can remote dial the stargates.
-You can also Delete remotly an object containing the "table.beam" script. /!\ It does delete the container. Or remove the script inside remotly.
- You can track ZPM HUBs (see store) and teleporters as well.

New in version 2.0!
-The radar can now be rotated! Hourah!
-Radar resize menus rewritten to be much easier
-Added Novum Stargates compatibility (with additional script)
-Added ZPM HUBs compatibility (shows ZPM status)
-Bug fixes and general improvements

New in Version 1.6
-Added Vk Labs teleporters pin, they will now show on the radar
-Added teleportation effects to avatars travelling fast between two points
-Stargate are now named according to their network name instead of the object
-Remote Dial is currently broken, will return in a future update
-Replaced broken Map API with web content viewport
-Added possibility to teleport to objects detected using the beam script
-Removed unnecessary code/cleanup

NEW 1.2 Version :
-Funnier avatar representation (Pins)
-Mortar Strike Attack
-More fuild pins movements
-Added Settings Menu
-You can change the size of the radar (from the settings) as well as the colors.
-Loads of improvements

What are the specifications of the system?

Size : 6.4x6.4x6.5
Script count & memory : 3 scripts on 96Kb consumed for 0.003724ms of cpu time.

The Main part, is built on prims only, using 3 scripts, only 1 remains necessary, the core, it keeps the nodes up-to-date. The current 2 others are sub-tools that the user will need.

/!\ This radar does not use Nodes to scan the sim. /!\

*The "Pin" are the most common object rezzed by the radar it represents avatars around the sim.
There's other Pin types, one for Objects like the radar will have one and Stargates.

IMPORTANT : This products needs the 'Death Caller' to be rezzed and owned by the land owner to fully work.
As an example you can't Eject, Kill or Ban without the Death Caller.

N.B : The radar itself does not support yet rotation, its meant to be moved but not rotated.


-Colors : blue, orange, green and custom. For custom please write in the box in RGB code, for example : <1,0,0> which correspond to full red. (<Red, GReen, Blue>)
You can set each amount between 1.0 to 0.0

-Map Alpha : You set how much the map preview appears on the table.
-Map Refresh : Is to refresh teh map preview from the servers.

-Top Height : You can set how high you want the top to be, wich will also increase or decrease how the full 4096m of a sim is shrinked.
-XY Scale: allows you to rescale the radar base and area.

-Group Check : Allows the pins (avatar representations) to become Red if the avatar has not the same active group as the radar.
-Hide Top : Allows you to hide or show the top of the radar, it also disable the small floating text above it.

Vk Labs 2024

See item in Second Life
  • Low lag & low scripts full sim 3D radar
  • Avatar on sim control
  • Stargates on sim control & display
  • More...
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Needs an update, good for stargate roleplay
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted August 06, 2022 by Cam Chattoway

The base map, I thought would be drawn from my sim, but it errors out trying to refresh the map. I like many of the stargate specific features, including the ability to remotely dial the stargate (tested, worked) and perform actions, roleplay and otherwise on avatars and objects.

It's older, prim based, and it asks for the final set position/rotation prior to startup, as it can't be moved much after. It's easy to rez a new one tho. But the script error is annoying, so 3 stars.

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