<How to use>
+ Place it on your own land or the land which you have rez rights for.
+ Touch the rezzer to spawn a ball or click and hold it to open the owner menu.
+ Please Make sure the ball is rezzed placing on the ground.
+ The ball will be deleted if not sat on in 15 seconds or if you stand up from it.
<Owner Menu> (Click and hold the rezzer)
+ RezLimit Num: The maximum number of balls that can be rezzed out by this rezzer and allowed to exist in this sim/parcel at the same time. (By default, Sim-wide and 10 balls)
*If you are a sim owner, Sim-wide is good, otherwise Parcel-wide will be good.
*Note: 1LI/per ball
*e.g. 1: If 2 rezzers are in your sim/parcel and they are set to 3, at most 6 balls may exist at the same time.
*e.g. 2: In case that you set to 1 with parcel-wide, if someone rezzed the ball, the rezzer allows you to rez new ball after that person gets away out of the parcel.
+ Rez Pos Adjust ball rez position
+ Security
+ Owner = Only owner can rez a ball
+ Group = Group can rez a ball (works only if you set the rezzer to a group)
+ Anyone
+ HoverText OnOff Hover text show/hide
<<Skate Party! ball>>
<How to use>
+ Touch the rezzer and sit on the ball.
+ Press [W, A, S, D] or [↑, ←, ↓, →] for movement and [E] or [PageUp] to jump.
+ To run, one more single tap while skating or Tap-tap-hold is also ok.
+ Click in the area your avatar is sitting to open the controller menu.
28 skating
3 turns and a jump (Small skating actions happen occasionally)
a jump when E key
3 stand
a quick skating stop (after Running)
+ Skating animations automatically switch smoothly while skating. Various patterns of sequence are built in.
+ Animations Each time you walk, the ball randomly switches the pattern of skating animations. You can also choose one.
+ [SitPos] Adjust sit position
+ [Reset Pos]
+ Help Quick help
+ You need to know if you have "offline building rights" on the land.
This allows the rezzer spawn the ball to the land even when you(rezzer owner) are offline.
Reffered from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRezObject
Silently fails if you don't have offline building rights on the land. To have the right, your objects needs to either:
1: Be on land you own yourself.
2: Be on land where anyone is allowed to build, e.g. a sandbox.
3: Be deeded to the group that owns the land.
4: Be set to the same group that owns the land and the land have the parcel flag 'allow group to build' set.
*****If you use the rezzer in group owned land, please check satisfy 4th condition.*****
I hope it helps.
Demo is here in the most corner of the store
Awesome and Fun Skating System
This system is simple to setup: just rez the rezzer, touch it and adjust the height of the ball and rezzer. Lots of fun and cute tricks.