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Skidz Partz - Work Bench (Boxed)

Skidz Partz - Work Bench (Boxed)
Skidz Partz - Work Bench (Boxed)
67 Reviews

Skidz Partz Work Bench

The work bench is ideal for use with tiny prims. I think anything smaller than .3 is tiny, but it will work with slightly larger objects than that.


* Necklace Generator Wizard
* Nudger that moves your prims super tiny amounts and requires no scripts in your prims
* Track the prim count with no effort
* Display exact position of your tiny prims
* Particle Help to reveal lost tiny prims
* Easy-to-use buttons
* Change the color to gain contrast on your project quick with a single touchDescription of how it works:
When you place a prim above it, a pad will rez below it. The pad will follow your prim around marking where it is for you as tiny prims can be hard to see. It also resizes to your prims' max scale size (x, y, or z). Keep in mind that if you delete a prim, it can take up to 30 seconds for the pad to disappear.

Light is a toggle button. It will rez a light for you to better illuminate your work.
Particles is a toggle button. It makes the pads display particles to easily see prims.
Position is a toggle button. It displays the exact position of the prim it's tracking.
Necklace Generator
The necklace generator starts a wizard that will generate a necklace based on the answers you give.
Turn On/Off
This turns on and off the sensors that detect and rez the tiny purple pads below your tiny prims.

Work Area
You can click the work area to cycle through its colors. Get a better view using contrasting colors.

Nudging - Next & Prev
The arrows start up "The Nudger." Use the arrows to move between the different prims you have on the work bench. You will notice a set of arrows pointing in many directions directly above the current prim it's on (its called "The Nudger").
Clears out any rezzed nudgers.

The Nudger
"The Nudger" is a set of 18 arrows that rez above the prim when using the arrows on the work bench. When you touch an arrow on "The Nudger" for the first time ever, the pad will ask for permissions to link to your prim. It will then be allowed to move that prim. To unlink just touch the "Stop" nudger button on the work bench. It might not look like it's moving when you touch some arrows, but the increments are so small that it might not be fully visible. The arrows closest to the center of "The Nudger" move the smallest amount. So the arrows on the outside of "The Nudger" move your prim the most.

Prim Count
Prim Count only counts unlinked prims. If your prims are linked, it will only count them as one. You will only notice one pad in this situation. This pad will appear under the root prim of your linked set.

Necklace Generator
Use this button to create a necklace. Simply answer the questions you're prompted with, complete any tasks it requires, and you will see your necklace rez before your eyes!
For product support, please contact Alayna Hutson or Skidz Tweak.

  • Great for working with tiny items
  • Make micro adjustments to postions of items
  • Tracks all the items on the table
  • gives you a objects count on the table
  • Necklace generater
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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great bench!
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 16, 2011 by Max1000 Oh

This is a very good tool!
to bad is is no copy: refrain using it on a sandbox for example, or you may loose it...

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted November 18, 2008 by Stewart McCaw

Well I bought this bench on the premise that the necklace generator on it would be something great due to the fact that I think the skids prim was an awesome tool....I was very disappointed... This table is great for finding those lost prims ill give you that and give a 4 star for it. It does 90% of what it says. But one very disappointing thing about the necklace generator is you cant rotate or orient the "beads" in case your using an odd shape, in my case i was trying to use a heart sculpty.... if you are'nt using a solid shape that is equal on all sides the necklace generator is useless. There is a freebie necklace generator here on Xstreet where it at least lets you adjust those parameters in the script it uses. I would recommend to the guys who made this to improve that function and also make the stand copyable, its very easy to accidentally link your small prims to the table or unlink the table on accident. Also on the Necklace generator there is no link function. So has a few things that could use improving. If they fixed these things it would make for a 5 star item to me.

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L$ 1,299

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