Skyshot Firecracker (TYPE III) version 1.0
# Menu-Operated Firecracker Show
# Improved Designs, Effects & Operations
# Realistic looking & working launcher = 4 prims
# No HUD Required
# Rez - Touch - Operate - Play
# 1 single skyshot once fired displays a multicolor show
# Select the no. of times for the display - 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50
# Skyshot display = 50 seconds. Interval between a repeat = 20 seconds.
# Owner can set permissions for the system to be operated by - Owner, Group or Public
# Realistic Displays & Sound Effects - Inspired By Real Life
# No Mumbo-Jumbo Operations
# Free Lifetime Updates
# Rezz on the ground from the inventory
# ALWAYS touch the TOP WHITE RING for the blue dialog menu to pop-up
# Always keep the launcher at least 20 meters away from the parcel boundaries
# Always keep the launcher away from heavily meshed/textured/scripted objects (it will cause viewer-side lag in displays)
# The Firecracker System is made up of 4 prims only
# However, the system requires ADDITIONAL 160 prims to display their effects.
This means you need 164 prims for this Firecracker system.
# Please note that these additional prims required by the system lasts only for few seconds but you still need them to display their effects.
Please check the DEMO video available at our YouTube channel
Feedback/Reviews are always welcome
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