Slon - The All-Access Friends List Version 3.2.1 AE

Details Features Contents Reviews (36)


* Visual History Calendar
* HUD, Desktop, Mobile and Web
* Optional Sound Notifications

* No need to be in-world
* Access any time, anywhere
* Supports up to 120 Contacts

* Service since 2006

Slon is celebrating its 15th anniversary with this special edition release, completely remastered from the ground up, this is the best Slon has ever been! Slon now has support for Android and Apple devices as well as a cutting edge web version to compliment the highly polished Windows Desktop app and in-world HUD.

== What is Slon?
Slon is an alternative to the default friends list that comes with SL. You can add contacts without needing to send a friend request or remove them without worrying about being messaged asking why. You can access this friends list from anywhere without being logged in to SL.

== Who uses Slon?
Members say they like to use Slon to be notified when their partner or friends come online, Business users like the employee management aspects, other members say they like using Slon to let them know if a griefer is online so they can log in with a different account.

== How does it work?
Simply place the single prim Slon Plant on a friends land, rented land or in a Linden Home and wear the HUD, then you can access your friends list from the Desktop and Mobile apps from the Slon website.

Slon starts with 5 contacts for 5 weeks, then each contact is 1L per week after that to cover the cost of servers. You get to set your own price and choose when and where to extend service.

== Why should I try Slon?
Slon is really easy to use, fast and free to setup. Most members fall in love with it pretty quickly which is shown by the reviews and how many supportive messages the dev team gets. Slon is a great way to keep friendships and relationships going, which it has been doing for the past 15 years.



  • Friends List for when you are logged out of SL
  • Visual History calender of when friends were online
  • Access your Contact List any time, any where
  • In-world HUD, Windows, Android, Apple devices and Web
  • Serving since 2006

Reviews (XX)

Average rating: 4.83 stars Distribution
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its nice

Posted December 01, 2022 by Mia Kiko 4 stars

i like all but i want desk top and cant get it by following instructions

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The best of its kind

Posted March 26, 2022 by crazy Woodells 5 stars

This is the best product of its kind. if you need an online notifier this is the one to get

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Chimera Development LLC
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Sold by: Kae Fox
Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

  • 4.83 stars 36 Reviews

  • Permissions:
    Copy Modify Transfer User Licensed
  • Automatic redelivery
  • Land Impact: 1