Smash Brothers Hammer
Scripted for Thwacking!
Knock Enemies Away!
Sounds From the Game!
You a fan of Smashbrothers Brawl? Super Smash Bros Melee? Mario Bros? Donkey Kong? Rice? Great! Grab this hammer and start smashing your friends to another sim!
Step by Step Instructions for the Hammer:
1. Wear Hammer (right-click it in your inventory and select "wear")
2. Walk up to some mook you dislike. (i.e: Roy)
3. Click your mouse to smash him. (or her)
4. Laugh. (like this: ha ha ha)
Instructions for the box:
1. Rez the box on the ground (drag it from your inventory to the ground)
2. Click the box.
3. Check your inventory for a folder called "Smash Brothers Hammer " Find your hammer there.
Just plain fun.
I'd have preferred the animation to be constant like in the game, but it's hilarious either way. XD It's pretty funny when two people whack each other at the same time!