Smaug Gestures,voice,Hobbit,Lord of the rings
Hobbit Smaug Gestures
7 Gestures inside the box
I am King Under the mountain!..I kill where i Wish!!
My armor is iron..... no blade can pierce me!!!
You have nice manners..FOR A THIEF!!.AND LAIR!!
Where ARe you........!
I feel your breath!!,I feel your Air!!!
AND MORE all BEST sounds ANd good voice
YOu will hear hese scary sounds all over the sim
The are copy mod so you can change the lines if you want
BONUS 2 extra smaug backgrounds
ALL by all the best gestures from SMaug for good price ENJOY ALL want custom gestures DONT BE shy im me i dont make double prices just the normal to upl
Good but overpriced
Good but overpriced
i really loved it the voices are great and cool so are the pictures
L$ 99
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed