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{SmexyL} Follow Grab Hug HUD 2 Version 2.3.1

{SmexyL} Follow Grab Hug HUD 2
{SmexyL} Follow Grab Hug HUD 2
133 Reviews

What is the Follow Grab Hug HUD?

It is a funny tool to follow your friends while you're hugging them. The script doesn't ask for permissions to your friends cause in reality, you won't animate your friends, only your avatar will be animated and constantly repositioned to keep following your friends while they walk or fly.

What is new in version 2?
-Now you have 3 kind of hugs plus 2 new modes.
-Easier to interact: You don't have to read names in the chat and clicking numbers anymore. Names with more than 24 characters are just shown in the button with less digits to not return a script error.
Version 2.3 correct a bug with the list if you click Ignore button(Thanks to glitters Resident for reporting it!).
Note: I sent the updated version to all the buyers of older versions. If you skipped the file by mistake or SL didn't deliver it correctly to you, let a review asking me to delivery it to you again. Thank you very much and sorry for any inconvenience.
Version 2.3.1 corrects the problem "I see the hud invisible / the hud vanished" when attaching the hud in a different anchor point. The manual correction to this problem is to edit the hud(Ctrl+3) and type 180 in Z rotation or ask for a redelivery. Now the hud detects its own rotation and auto correct itself when attached in different anchor points of the HUD. Note: Prefer to use it in Center or Center 2.

The use of Follow Grab Hug HUD is very easy:

You start in HUG Mode:
1) First dress the gadget (Right click > Wear). It will appear in your HUD.
2) Come next to your friends.
3) Click the circle button with pointer icon.
3.1) The gadget will output a menu with with names of avatars.
4) Click the name of the avatar that will be hugged. The red button with pointer icon will change to green and hug mode is activated.
5) Click the pink button to switch between 3 hug animations.
6) Click the arrows up and down to adjust height. (arrows UP and Down are in the HUD - you can press left and right keys on your keyboard to rotate around the target)
7) Click the circle button with pointer again when you want to stop the hug.
Note: You will need to turn off your animation overrider(AO) while in Hug Mode. The other modes work fine with your AO turned on.

Switching to Stand Mode:
1) Click middle button(Stand icon) to switch to Stand mode.
2) Click the arrows up and down to adjust height.
Note: In most cases you will be flying(falling animation), click down button some times till you stand in the head of your friend correctly. If you click very much the down button you will start pushing your friend, so click up button till it become only standing not flying or pushing the avatar bellow.
OK to use your AO turned ON.

Switching to Walk/Mimic Mode:
1-Click right button (the button with 2 persons walking)
Only this. Now when your friend start walking you will follow at the same time.
Note: If other person using Follow Grab Hug HUD decide to follow you, then you will start a chain. If other person also using Follow Grab Hug HUD decide to follow the person following you, this person will be also linked to the chain. If more people continue doing the same the chain can grow unlimited.
OK to use your AO turned ON.

Click the Interrogation/Help button to receive this notecard at any time.

Please, use it only with your friends! Do not use it with strangers, they can consider your hug an abuse and fills abuse report against you. Don't be a griefer!

Works in "no rezz" ¹ and "no script" ² areas.

Thanks for buying {SmexyL} gadgets!


¹ - No object is needed to be rezzed.
² - It works in "no script" areas too, but with limitations. Need to be worn in a allowed script area first and after using it with someone in a "no script" area you have to come back to a script enabled area before being able to use in a "no script" area again.

  • Follow Grab Hug HUD 2
  • Manual
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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 01, 2024 by yionasl


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I bought this 6 years ago
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 11, 2024 by CRITTERQUEEN

Can i please get a redelivery for a new one thank you.

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L$ 99

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Sold by: Pamin Oyen

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