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Soccer Challenge mini - Street

Soccer Challenge mini - Street

***LOWER PRICE - now only L$99***

Soccer Challenge is a fun soccer game, played by two teams.

It comes in two sizes:
Mini (25 meters x 14.5 meters) which is designed for 1-3 players per team, and
Standard (34 meters x 20 meters) which is designed for 3+ players per team, but any number of players can play.

Soccer Challenge Mini is available in 4 different styles (Traditional, Beach, Street, and Future) to match most environments.

Soccer Challenge is low prim, with no sculpts and no mesh. The scripts have been designed to cause as little lag as possible.

When in play, the game is only 14 prims. When not being played, the game can be put in Standby mode, when it is just 11 prims.

The game is run from a simple menu with just 5 options:
Kick Off - Start to play
Reset Game - Clear the score, ready for a new game
Free Outfits - Gives out free Soccer Challenge outfits
How to Play - Gives an instructions notecard
Shutdown - Puts the game into standby mode.

The game uses no complicated HUDs. There are no difficult buttons to press, or complex moves to remember. Anyone can play Soccer Challenge.

Everything you need to play is included - the field and scoreboard, outfits for each team, and a ball.

  • Soccer game for 2+ players
  • Easy to play
  • Low prim, low lag
  • Fully functioning scoreboard
  • Soccer outfits and ball included