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~Soedara~ Elegant Stone Bindi Pearl

~Soedara~ Elegant Stone Bindi Pearl


Add a dramatic touch to your appearance. With this scripted Bindi!

This Bindi is scripted. Click it and it offers you the choice between 3 metal textures.
1. Metal/Silver (2 versions)
2. Bronze/Gold (2 versions)
3. Black

For more options, see my marketplace or my inworld store.

~ Mesh Copy only ~
My Mesh clothing are NO Mod/No Trans and Yes Copy. Since they are No Trans, no refunds will be given. No exceptions.

~ Modify and Transferable ~
All my products (Except Mesh) are Transferable & Modify so they can easily be offered as a Gift!
Because they are Modify, you can make it so it fits your shape.

~Soedara~ Products are NO COPY.
If you mess it up, RETURN me the item you messed up and I will send you a new one

The sculpts that are inside a pack are often Transfer and Mod but not Copy.


See item in Second Life
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Very Nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 29, 2016 by Gwendlynne Abeyante

Thank you :)

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