Bento Tail animator! 97 animations
UPDATED 2020 to add invisible version so it completely unseen!
***Tail not included. ***
*** This is NOT a HUD ***
Do you have an awesome Bento tail but no animations for it? Then grab this great little animation wearable to look more natural. Wiggle dat butt!
Just wear it and go!
Check the video for how well it worked on a Wild Evolutions Canidae mesh avatar.
View Video »Nice!!
Over 90 Bentotail animations is a lot, but there is something for every situation!
I copied the animations that fit into a new prim and added this script to it:
It animates the FinFan-Cat's tail perfectly!
Thank you very much!!
quantity over quality
Meh, there are 97 animations, only a handful are worthwhile, most of them look fairly unnatural., and if you have a long tail, forgedabout it, half of them will put your tail in the floor. It almost looks like the animator made the animations from the tip inword, instead of animating from the base out, so they don't look quite right, a lot of them are so similar to each other you cant tell them apart.
Overall, i think all i'll end up using is about a dozen of them, I extracted them to use in my own AO, as others have said the included one is garbage. So if your not going to pull out the animations to use in your own AO, don't bother with this.
I have a JOMO Male Werewolf and when I use the regular hud that came with my tail, when ever I detach anything or stand up from sitting on an object or sometimes even change animations I get what we JOMO wolves call "Tail Stiffies"lol This fixed this and also reduced my script count as I do not need my default hud on now. I would have given it 5 stars if there was a way to control what animation plays in the tail but I love this thank you so much now I don't need to buy a new tail then stuff around modding it to my fur colour XD
While the animations are nice and smooth... where's the HUD?
I only see a 'cycle randomly' thing in there...