~SongBird~ Gilded
█████████ITEM INFO█████████
Glittery eyes and tears on makeup layers and mesh head appliers. eyes are unrigged and should be resizable.
█████████INCLUDED ITEMS█████████
Mesh eyes
Eye colour Hud
Tears makeup layers
Tears omega applier hud
█████████COMPATIBILITY INFO█████████
tears use omega appliers which are supported by multiple heads, check http://slpoweredbyomega.com/ for more information.
makeup layers work on system heads only
eyes can be resized for use in non human avatars.
If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to IM Nimil Blackflag. I do my very best to respond to IMs as soon as i am able to. Please check out our inworld shop to earn credit with each purchase!
█████████VIP GROUP█████████
~SongBird~ has a special invitation only VIP group that is very easy to join. all you have to do is make one purchase and you will receive an invite to the group. being a member of this group means you will get notices of new items, as well as a higher percentage of credit when shopping in the main store. gifts are also sometimes made available for group members only.
- Mesh Eyes
- Hud Fatpack
- Makeup Layers
L$ 175
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
More info
- Copy
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- Transfer
- User Licensed