Spot On "I'M ON TV!" DANCE DIORAMA! - Pink (Box)

Be the star you know you are and appear on your own TV!
Just attach this TV and then play your favorate dances from your dance hud.
This wearable TV comes with a quick and easy HUD to change the inner background texture to one of seven choices.
The HUD also has a switch to turn on or off the scanline effect on the screen, and a brightness switch for the background.
Please read the included notecard for quick and easy instructions.
The TV is meant to be worn, (attaches to avatar centre) but can be rezzed, when rezzed it is only 3PE!
100% original Mesh!
The TV is modify and comes with instructions and shade maps to allow you put your own textures on it as the background. Always use a copy if you do use your own textures!
(The TV does not include dances or animations but uses your own AO or favorate dances from your dance hud)
See item in Second Life- Wearable or rezzable (3PE when rezzed at supplied size)
- HUD controlled texture and effects
- Includes instructions and examples to add your own backgrounds