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Star Class Paint CUBIC

Star Class Paint CUBIC

Hull & Sails Paint for the Star Class Boat - BOAT NOT INCLUDED

* Easy to use - simply drag the included script into your boat to automatically apply the Hull and exterior textures & wear the HUD to apply the Sails! The script will auto-delete itself from the boat.

* Three options for the Hull included - Plain, with Star Logo or with Star Class Lettering.

* No Additional texture sets required - your boat will look exactly as on the pictures.

* Sail Applier HUD with Flagpack. You can choose from either plain black transparent Sails or have the choice of Flags and Lettering from 25 Countries.

The following Flag Sets are included:

USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Russia, China, Philippines, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, India, Mexico, Turkey

This set includes a full makeover for your boat. It requires that you own a Star Class Boat from The Mesh Shop - THE BOAT IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SET.