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Star Trek WoK Uniform - Female

Star Trek WoK Uniform - Female

This uniform has been patterned after the Star Trek movies ("The Wrath of Khan" through "The Undiscovered Country"). 100% original mesh! It includes everything pictured:

• Jacket with flap closed/open (toggles)
• Trousers
• Skirt
• Boots (one knee-high set for skirt, one low-cut set for trousers)
• Rank Insignia (Ensign through Admiral)
• Service Badge
• Belt Buckle
• Service Pin configuration (see below)
• HUD for toggling flap open/closed and changing department colours
• Various alpha layers and additional textures

Everything is 100% hand-made mesh, and rigged for the following bodies:

• Maitreya Lara
• Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venus)
• SelinA (Bette)
• Kemono

The ensemble also works well with Classic avatars (the model on the main image above is wearing the Maitreya uniform on a Classic avatar). Since everything except head, neck and hands are covered when all components are worn, the uniform should work with most other mesh bodies (the model in the photos is wearing a classic avatar). Plans are underway to add uniforms for other female mesh bodies to the roster.

Three versions of the jackets are included: normal duty uniform, a Flag Officer uniform (which has an additional gold piping on it), and a Commodore jacket (almost identical to the duty uniform but with different sleeve positioning for rank pin and stripe).

A simple HUD interface allows you to open and close the front flap, change flap colour (either tan or white, depending on your rank), as well as change the department colour (see images).

All rank insignia are included and rigged for each body type. Ranks Ensign through Admiral are included. For the ranks of Commodore and above, special rigged sleeve stripes are also included to adorn the uniform sleeve.

All components are materials enabled, giving the various metal and leather components a believable, realistic sheen.

The Service Pin configuration indicates number of years served in Starfleet. It has a simple interface that allows you to change the configuration to display from 1 to 33 years with a single click.

A fully functional demo is available; we urge you to try before buy.

Not all of our products are listed on the marketplace – we have many more items in our in-world store (plus group gifts etc). See you there!

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Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Looks Great and Fits a Legacy Perky with some Tweaking.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 16, 2024 by Julianne Lemondrop

How I got to fit the Legacy Avatar. You have to use Lara 5.3 version mesh and the Layer alphas that come with it Only Pants version seem to work with Legacy Perky. But neck and hands fit with in the jacket.

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Pretty good
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 15, 2023 by Odessa Ireton

I'm quite new to Star Trek anything, but from a mesh clothing perspective I can say this is well made. Alphas auto apply when worn, everything is placed well.

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Excellent work.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 14, 2021 by Zidaya Zenovka

This is a really nice reproduction of the classic Wrath of Khan-era Starfleet uniform. While it's meant for Maitreya bodies it fits classic SL body shapes just fine with only a few minor adjustments (I had to increase my avatars breast size a bit as it's usually flat chested). While it's missing the rank insignia it's cheap enough on the marketplace-or you can do like I did and make your own.

My only issue with it is that the cuffs aren't adjustable size-wise which would be a nice feature. It would also be nice if the cuff pips were resizable as well. Minor issues that don't at all take away from this uniform's quality.

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Great Uniform
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 04, 2020 by Carolyn Crosley

This was always my favorite uniform from all of the Star Trek movies. Excellent job on the fit and detail for Maitreya at least.

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