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Starbase C3 SCI FI  SCIFI TEXTURES STARSHIP SPACESHIP Texture Library v.2 SLV tagScifi

--== STARBASE C3: The Starship Construction SIte ==--

Thank you for purchasing the STARBASE C3 TEXTURE LIBRARY from a Starbase C3, the Second
Life Outposts.

This texture library was created for the original Starbae C3 Fleets A and B that have sold online since 1995. It contains over 90 individual textures ranging from small 64X64 to larger 512 x 512 sized texture maps. These maps were designed specifically to be able to mix and match design and be used originally as planar maps on specific simple 3d dataset models that made up the Starbase C3 DATAPARTS modeling sytem. The design/colors and shapes of these textures were made to work well with realtime 3d models.

I have imported them all into SL thus many are now scaled in the common SL sizes and ratios. I have used these textures on the Starbase C3 ships that are commonly displayed in Second Life so that the results you can get are similar to what you see on the ships we have been selling for over a year now in SL.

Some of the textures are specific to certain shapes, but overall this library can be used to create some very nice Starbase C3 "look" designs by the use of scaling and cropping the maps, which is what i usally do anyway within SL.

So now you all can make cool looking Starbase C3 Ships in style, within SL....

- Permissions: Copyable /Transfer / modify
- NO refunds on Non Transfer Items. Sorry

IMPORTANT INFO: These maps CANNOT be resold as textures in or outide of SL. They can only be sold if used on a object that is for resale by YOU within the SECOND LIFE GRID ALONE. They may not be transfered to any OTHER GRIDS. THEY ARE ONLY FOR PERSONAL USAGE by the PURCHASER - Liscensie- YOU. and any buyer of your designs ONLY. PLEASE ONLY USE THEM THIS WAY. SPECIFIC COPYRIGHT INFORMATION BELOW.

IF you have any questions email CUBE INADA in SL. Please also join the "Starbase C3" Group-FREE within SL for more info and place to fly and show off your ships in the SL Starbase C3 Universe.



Ship Specifications and Information:
-Taken from The Starbase C3 Technical Manual 3D E-Book available at http://www.starbasec3.com.

Credits, License and Copyright Notice:

Visit www.starbasec3.com for more information about the Starbase C3 Universe and to join the full community website. Purchase other StarbaseC3 DatakitsTM for other 3d programs and technologies and play other online 3d games. For additional help and information email webmaster@starbasec3.com.

Starbase C3, the Second Life Invasion Fleet, and other related properties
are the registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Cube Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2006.

License Information: The Starbase C3 DatakitsTM are sold "as is" and consist of parts and images that become yours for personal usage only. No commercial resale can be made using any 3d or 2d element of the DatakitTM.(except for the texture library images sold ONLY in SL) They, along with their names, likeness, and titles remain the commercial property of Cube Productions Inc. You may mix and match parts and textures, alter parts and textures, render ,animate, and play with DatakitsTM and their derivative designs (That's what it's all about;) for personal usage only. (ex. Personal web sites, online sim game play, personal art creation/item sales within SL Grid ) Cube provides commercial usage agreements for its properties. Please contact us at webmaster@cube3.com for further information.

Visit www.starbasec3.com for more information about the Starbase C3 Universe and to join the full community website. Purchase other StarbaseC3 DatakitsTM for other 3d programs and technologies. For additional help and information email webmaster@starbasec3.com.

Ship shape design, sounds, textures created by Starbase C3 and Cube Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved 2006.

NO refunds on Non Transfer Items. Sorry