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Starry angel white costume bento wings animated mesh hair omega

Starry angel white costume bento wings animated mesh hair omega
Starry angel white costume bento wings animated mesh hair omega
0 Reviews

This product requires the use of MESH SL Viewer. In the snapshot I use Slink body Physique . Verify with the demo if wings is animated . Product is for viewer Bento compatible .

Available in 6 colors white, black, pink, blue, yellow, red

In the demo (1 for the 6 angels) only rigged parts
- Base Shoes for body mesh
- DEMO Mesh rigged studded Sandal High Heels Belleza, Maitreya, Slink high, TMP ouch, Tonic
(others shoes for classic foot is mesh unrigged )
- DEMO Mesh rigged starry hair mi long dark blond
- DEMO Mesh rigged bento wings gold without menu stand to see all

In the full pack one color/pack
- Alpha shoes sl classic foot
- Shoes base sl classic foot
- Mesh high hells gold shoe left/right sl classic foot
- Mesh rigged studded Sandal gold High Heels Belleza, Maitreya, Slink high, TMP ouch, Tonic
- Mesh rigged starry hair mi long dark blond
- mesh gold rose
- mesh halo gold
- gold corset in layer Undershirt + layer Shirt
- gold laced pant layer Underpants + layer Pant
- Omega Advanced Applier - sexy top/pant gold bonus to see wings
- Sexy lace top layer Undershirt + layer Shirt (one color)
- Sexy lace bottom layer Underpants + layer Pant (one color)
- flexi skirt starry night (color from pack)
- flexi skirt starry night with resize script (color from pack)
- Omega Advanced Applier - sexy lace top/bottom in the color from pack
- bracelet mesh gold forearm left with resize script
- bracelet mesh gold forearm right with resize script
- Mesh rigged bento large wings gold animated with menu
- Wings animations ONLY hud -bottom left- (ADD with your AO) , menu to choice wings animation for your walking animation in your proper AO , and change the stand by clicking the next stand (exactly like a basic AO)

DONT FORGET : TEST THE FREE DEMO ! All animations included , stand to see all ! Have fun

See item in Second Life

L$ 490

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Get the demo version
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Mystygry Mirihi
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Mystygry Mirihi
Sold by: Mystygry Mirihi

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh