::Static:: Deathly Horse Skeleton Display
A skeletal display of an already gaunt creature, so one could easily have imagined the skeletal structure without much difficulty. In life, this ethereal horse is only visible to those who have witnessed death and so have gained a grim reputation, though the creatures themselves are quite docile and personable.
This skeleton display comes with a "life size" version best used in large homes, schools or museums. It also comes with a miniature version for easy display in smaller spaces. It only comes in the dark color shown, though the base is tinted to be darker and can be manually lightened if you choose!
The damage:
Full size skeleton - 15 Land impact
Miniature - 2 Land impact
(Land impact can increase if sized up, so be aware of that.)
The display does not move. It is unscripted and static.
beautiful product well worth the linden