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[Steven Universe] Peridot Limb Enhancers Version 1

[Steven Universe] Peridot Limb Enhancers


These are made from prims so they're nothing to brag about, but hopefully they'll be useful to someone XD I've been wanting a set of limb enhancers for my Peridot avatar for a long time but it looks like nobody is ever going to make any, so I decided to make some myself

Unfortunately due to being prims, they can't really be textured all that well, but luckily that means they're tintable so that ought to come in handy for customization, especially if you decide to use them for an OC :)

The product image shows the limbs demonstrated on the Kemono body but they should be easy to adjust to almost any avatar you're using.

In addition, the shoe shape made for these is adjusted specifically to the body shape included in Aoleth's Peridot mod, so you may need to adjust it for other body shapes, but I haven't tested this yet.

That being said, I can't link you to the mod because it's no longer on the marketplace for some reason so you'll likely have to IM the creator >.<" Sorry about that.

On the bright side, the other products shown here are still on the mp so here are the links to them

Gem: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Peridot-Gem/7214145

Hair/Visor: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Peridot-Hair-Visor-and-Gem/7303570

Again, these aren't that great but like I said, I hope they'll be useful to someone ^^ Please contact FiveNightsAtFreddys if you need any help!

  • This product includes:
  • Two arm enhancers
  • Two leg enhancers
  • One shoe shape
  • One notecard
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 21, 2025 by XianCollins

Do you have a peridot mod i can use with these?...i wanted to make her so bad that i bought these incase you ever made the mod to go with it...love this addon it gets 5

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wow thanks
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 08, 2021 by Jinx Lavarock

I don't mind that its made with prims since its from a cartoon with a very shape based art style so it works fine. thanks for these.

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