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Stone Sundial v2 Version 2.31

Stone Sundial v2
Stone Sundial v2
3 Reviews

Automatic set up. No configuration. When you rez the sundial it starts to display the SIM time of your current region. You can menu-select between SIM time or SL time by touching the sundial.

As you know, it's the sundial's shadow that gives the time. Shadows slowly move from 6 am to 6 pm. It's accurate and it works. If you don't see a shadow, then it's probably night-time. Regular sundials display the shadow on the disc face.

When the sundial is first rezzed, it auto-rotates to point North. This provides a realistic relationship between the sun and the shadow of the dial. You can, of course, change the rotation yourself, but it will compromise the realistic nature of the dial.

The sundial can be stretched (or reduced) to any size.

  • Accurate display of current SIM time or SL time.
  • SIM or SL mode is menu selectable.
  • Sundial shadow movements every half-hour.
  • Synchronizes to region's SIM Day-Cycle, or SL time.
  • Modifiable - can be stretched to any size.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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Attractive but didn't tell the time
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted November 13, 2020 by Susanne Ametza

A highly attractive sundial, which is great as a decoration. However, I couldn't get it to produce the shadow to tell the time. The creator didn't respond when I asked for advice.

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Very Nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 04, 2020 by Aylin Moonshadow

Well made, looks great, works as described.

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L$ 110

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The Chimes *tick tock*
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