G General

{Strawberry} Amsterdam Leather Sofa - PG / Full BENTO / Sequences / 100% Mesh / Lifetime Updates Version 2.0

{Strawberry} Amsterdam Leather Sofa - PG / Full BENTO / Sequences / 100% Mesh / Lifetime Updates


Finest mesh, textures and high quality BENTO animations. Brand new careful selected animations from the best creators, handmade textures and the newest engines and plugins.

You like our products, please leave a review ~ for suggestions or issues, please contact me inworld.

DEMO - Check our inworld store and try the furnitures!


====== HIGHLIGHTS ======

◆ Luxury Mesh Sofa
◆ HQ material and advanced lightning textures with many options
◆ more than 115 Full Bento Poses / 200+ Animations
◆ Automatic back to single sit after partner leaves (no more alone humping!)

====== FURNITURE ======

◆ 100% finest quality mesh
◆ High Quality textures
◆ Materials enabled (Advanced Lightning Model must be enabled in viewer graphic settings)
◆ High Quality Full Bento Animations with realistic movement & Breathing [no old or cheap animations]
◆ Scene Sequences for Cuddle Animations
◆ Automatic back to single sit after partner leaves (no more alone humping!)
◆ Lifetime product updates [wear the unpacker and touch & hold left mouse button 5 seconds]

====== ANIMATIONS ======

◆ 21 Single Sit & Lay Poses Female
◆ 19 Single Sit & Lay Poses Male
◆ 5 Sleeping Female & Male Poses + Scene Sequence
◆ 8 Kiss & Fun Poses + Scene Sequence
◆ 54 Cuddle Poses + Scene Sequence
◆ 8 Cuddle MM Poses + Scene Sequence
◆ 4 MFF Cuddle Poses Male/Female/Female + Scene Sequence

◆ more Animations coming soon [free lifetime updates]

◆ 2 Standing Poses
◆ 8 MM Cuddle Poses + Scene Sequence
◆ 4 MFF Cuddle Poses Male/Female/Female + Scene Sequence

◆ Animation time up to 60 seconds [smooth action]

◆ Scene Sequence with Single, Cuddles
◆ No Poseballs / newest AVsitter2 Engine / Sit & Fun
◆ Automatic Male/Female detection

◆ For Adjusting sit on the furniture TOUCH FOR MENU → [ADJUST] → [POSE] or [FACES] or [TEXTURES]

====== TEXTURING ======

◆ 6 High Quality Color Texture Sets
◆ 6 High Quality Leather Colors
◆ 4 High Quality Wood Colors
◆ Materials enabled
◆ For texturing > sit on the sofa > TOUCH SOFA FOR MENU → [ADJUST] → [TEXTURE]
◆ For texturing > touch the golden Berry

====== PERMISSIONS ======

◆ MODIFY [animations & scripts = no mod > config NC = mod]

====== EDIT POSES ======

All poses have been set up and carefully positioned and checked one by one so avatar-to-avatar body contact is perfect for the most avatars (standard sizes)! From basic cuddles to penetration poses, are all well positioned and are as realistic as possible. If you wanna make it more perfect for your avatar:

◆ click in the menu [ADJUST] → [POSE]
◆ choose X,Y and/or Z
◆ click on [SAVE] it will save your changes!


◆ click in the menu [ADJUST] → [HELPER]
◆ pull the cane there where you want
◆ click on [SAVE] it will save your changes!

overwrite default settings (advanced)

◆ click in the menu [ADJUST] → [HELPER]
◆ pull the cane there where you want
◆ click on [DUMP] it will output your changes into public chat
◆ open the showed website from AV sitter and copy the showed text
◆ Right click on the bed → Edit mode
◆ Open "AVpos" notecard
◆ Paste/Overwrite the copied text into the notecard → [SAVE]
◆ Wait till the furniture and systems have reloaded - Enjoy

====== OWN SEQUENCES ======

◆ Right click on the bed → Edit mode
◆ Open "[AV]sequence_settings"
◆ Edit the sort order or time for each animation
◆ Safe the notecard and wait till all systems are reloaded - Enjoy

See item in Second Life
  • 100% finest quality mesh
  • Materials enabled
  • High Quality Full Bento Animations
  • Scene Sequences for Single & Cuddle Animations
  • Lifetime product updates