Simple Photo Studio includes:
Scripted, Mesh Photo Studio to be used as backdrop
Scripted, Mesh Pose Stand that can be filled with any of your poses (takes up to 50 poses)
Simple pose to help you adjust your avatar clothing and accessories
Further details about this pose stand can be found on my blog:
and this video:
Strawberry Singh
Great studio, everything is wonderful and simple
Simple perfection
Simple. Effective. Useful. Does the same as others. It's free. What could go wrong? Perfect and highly recommended!
You could pay a ridiculous amount of L$s for a pose stand that does pretty much exactly the same thing, or you could choose this one and be thrilled to bits with it. Dropping a ton of cash on something doesn't mean it's any good; conversely, sometimes the best things in SL are free. Thank you so much, Ms 'Berry ♥♥
Worth the get!
I Like how I can wear my AO without turning it off and just pose on the stand and try on outfits.