Spell Fire Scripted Bow
Quiver holds 50 Arrows
3 Arrow Stands to Reload (Infinite Reloads)
Hud and Gestures included
Bows constructed by CrimsonSun Designs and scripted useing Spellfire developer kits unless otherwise marked.
SpellFire Scripted Bows Fire with a touch of realism, the regular bow scripted to have an arched line of fire such as real bows do. Due to the script Permissions when purchased from spellfire creator, modification is unavailable at this time.
*** Also Compatible with DCS2 / Warps / and other Collision Based CS's ***
Crimson Sun Designs
See item in Second Life- Compatible with Spellfire, DCS, Warps, and various Combat Systems
- Contains Bow, Quiver, Arrow Stands, Hud, and Gestures
- Quality craftsmenship from CrimsonSun Designs
- Scripted with Spellfire Bow Developer Kit 4.0
- Easy Use Bow for Combat in Secondlife
works great - looks, not so much
Well, I just bought a better looking bow that was twice the price of this one and was disappointed ONLY in the fact that it had no animations whatsoever. Appearance wise, I love the other one, but this one has better functionality and I can actually RP with it and have more realism. So this bow received 1 more star over the other. However, that being said it still gets 4 stars simply for the fact that it's no modify. I would prefer a no transfer/ copy / mod so at least that way I can make it black. The only black bow available in this store isn't very appealing visually. This would be a perfect weapon if perms were different.