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Survey, Application, Suggestion Box. MENU DRIVEN! GROUP OR OWNER CONTROL.

Survey, Application, Suggestion Box. MENU DRIVEN! GROUP OR OWNER CONTROL.
Survey, Application, Suggestion Box. MENU DRIVEN! GROUP OR OWNER CONTROL.
1 Review

Visitors can get an "example" survey, application or suggestion form, simply by clicking the image for a pop-up menu.

After filling one out they can then just drag & drop it from their inventory onto the "box". And pow! You have an easy to use application, survey or suggestion form box!

Just rez and go.

Make sure you follow the pop-up menu prompts!

* Modifiable, just click to edit and change the color or texture.


*Group and owner admin controls.

*Cycles floating text color on reset (w/ thousands of colors to choose from!)

*Only fill out 1 notecard (your application, survey or suggestion form). Everything else is a pop-up menu!

*Owner receives a private message whenever someone submits a new notecard.

*Give all, get, submit, reset, clean (deletes), stats, exit & change options for group or owner.

*Knows if it's group, owner or submissions from random clients.

*Non-group members will only see a 3 option pop-up menu with SUBMIT, GET or EXIT.

*Floating text with random color change submission statistics.

*So EZ to use it's just plain silly.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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Works well
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 16, 2015 by LillyRose00

works well but the default note card should say application not employment application because not all owners will use it for applying for jobs and people receiving applications may be confused . For example applications to join clubs, dance schools stuff like that.

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L$ 39

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UberCrue Corporation
UberCrue Corporation
Sold by: Uber Constantine

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 1