With 'Bakes on Mesh' you can use 'System Skins' with your mesh avatar.
If you try out older system skins with your mesh body they might look great, but the nails will be painted on the skin - and that is not necessary for a mesh body.
This is a Quick Fix for that problem. Works for Male Avatars too!
It comes with both Hands and Feet fixes on System Clothing layers (gloves & socks) and Tattoo layers.
The layers are meant to be TINTED to match your skin color:
- Right-Click the item you wear in your inventory and choose 'Edit'.
*It can also be used for Classic Avatars for better fit with painted nails.
❀ Sweet Lyn
This is the one!
Its the best nail fix of them all. Others come up too far and wipe out the details of the skin
Been trying so many things. On my own created skin, going in Photoshop to remove the nail from texture...etc. Was bot working for me...
This works. Thank you for sharing.
Love your old skin? Then you MUST get these!
I confess: I have a *very* old skin from famous skin designer Namssor Daguerre, who has a brand called Second Skins, which was a tremendous success due to its hyperrealism... back in 2006/7 or so! 15 years is a long, long time for any product in SL; but the truth is that _this_ skin, for me, represents 50% of my individuality (seriously!... I have tried out many skins since then, none of which "fit" me well — I just became "someone else").
Namssor, of course, couldn't predict that we'd get new-generation Bento bodies & heads, with a new UV map and so forth. That his skins still fit and still look good in 2023 is a tribute to his unparalleled mastership; but, of course, there are slight inconveniences on such an old skin, and one of them is the problem with the nails. Especially on the feet, where a lot of changes were made to make them look better (and they do!), the nails show up on the knuckles or pretty much everywhere where they shouldn't be. *This* Cover Fix by Sweet's covers them flawlessly, making them disappear, so that you can add your mesh nails on top of your toes and nails — and make them look *perfect*.
There is only one catch: of course, there is no magic solution here, you need to apply the tint on the layer by yourself. This can be more or less difficult depending on how the skin was designed (one characteristic of Namssor's skins was that they avoided all "standard" skin colours back then, and thus was unique). Once you get the hang of it, however, you will certainly get a very reasonable result — it's guaranteed that it *will* be better than what you had before!
Of course, if you have a new-generation skin, you won't need this Cover Fix. Unless, well, you have such a low-quality skin that "fixing" the nails is something you really need...
Just works !
Out-of-box instant result - that is remarkable.
You're just a sweetheart! Thank you Works perfectly!
How wonderfully nice of you to offer this for free! Thank you so very much! Wishing you a happy first and second life!