Sweet's Free! Ordinary Guy AO

This is a Free! Basic Animation Overrider (AO) for new male residents. An Animation Overrider is an attachment which replaces standard animations (walk, jump, stand, run, sit, etc.) with other animations.
The animations in this AO are basic male animations.
It includes a descent walk and a nice manly run (witch is rather uncommon for free AOs). It will work for both mesh and classic avatars. Note that the animations in this AO are NOT Bento animations, meaning that it will NOT move your fingers around or create facial expressions (if you have a descent mesh head and body, most will have an animation HUD that will take care of that - even the free ones).
Animations included:
2 "Standing"
1 "Walking"
3 "Sitting"
2 "Sitting On Ground"
1 "Running"
1 "Crouching"
1 "Landing"
1 "Falling"
1 "Flying"
1 "Flying Up"
1 "Hovering"
1 "Pre Jumping"
1 "Turn Left"
1 "Turn Right"
A notecard with "how to use" instructions is included.
*You can use this AO to add or change animations to create your own customized AO.
Read the notecard "How to customize your AO".
❀ Sweet Lyn
not working for me
could be something i am doing wrong but it's not working
Great Starter!
Easy, compact interface. Notecards were very helpful for use and customization info. Includes an ankle lock which is great if you don't have a mesh body that has the option click of a button. Great if you're starting out, looking for something easy to use. Give this one a chance :)
L$ 0
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
More info
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- User Licensed