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[:T:] DEMO / all tattoo layers

[:T:] DEMO / all tattoo layers

These are the demos for:

Beauty marks, Elusive lips, Eyeliners, Nemesis eyes, Runny eyes, Smoky eyes, Rosy nose, Rosy cheeks and Mask 1, 2 and 3.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 17, 2011 by Tenly

I couldnt use the smoky mask because my skin is too dark, however, the runny mascara was awesome as was the blush. I also tried the open mouth teeth which are free in another package. loved them. Some of the mascara and eyeliner in the demo didnt show up well, but thats not the designers fault, again, my skin was already a little too made up. Ive no doubt if I get this demo for one of my fairer skinned ladies that the results will be of the same quality as those I was able to use.

I didnt find any lip colors to try but one. the color was great but I wasnt able to use it because my lips are frosted. But I think it would be lucious with another skin.

Ive tried some of Tuli's other demos and products and I love them all so far. At the point of this review some of the items in this demo are very affordable. So for example, Im going to hop over and get the blush for one of my girls asap!

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Sold by: Tuli Asturias

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