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*TLD* Halloween Funhouse- Boxed

*TLD* Halloween Funhouse- Boxed

Celebrate Halloween with loads of fun for all ages. This funhouse comes complete with all of the following...

A spinning tunnel-round and round she goes... don't get dizzy now!!

Sound room-where you can create your own tunes with the piano keys on the one wall, or listen to some sounds brought into sl and used *only with *TLD* products.

Destructible Maze-A fun little maze that's actually quite easy to get through. But the fun isn't in making it through, the fun is knocking it all down in the process (and then watching it fix itself again!)

Balance Beams-can you make it across without falling off? Not nearly as easy as we thought it was!

Huge Bouncy Room-just like a giant trampoline or bounce house, you could bounce for hours!

Also we've included some free items for you to decorate with...(perms will vary on them)

Texture Change Gem Balloons-there are both orange and black gem textures in these balloons(as well as many other textures too!).

Bale of Hay-copy so you can set out as many or few as you'd like, also mod so you can change it's size or look

Pumpkin Treat Giver-a special pumpkin filled with treats for your funhouse visitors. Just touch the pumpkin for a special treat!

Please note this funhouse will need at LEAST a 25x20m area to rez in, it is NOT small. If you have even more room, that would be best.
Please read the notecard enclosed with the funhouse for instructions before rezzing. Don't worry, we didn't include a bunch of lms or other odd unnecessary items in the box for you to clutter your inventory with!

Yes, we know, it's not mesh, but it's still loads of fun, especially for us old timers that love the whimsy and old fashioned nature of a great prim. ;)

Please know that each purchase goes to support the habit my children have adopted that involves the need for food, every single day!! Who knew you had to feed them?
What, is that not a good cause?
Ok, I have a better one then!!

Seriously, I do know there are far better products you could spend your money on, mesh products, updated products, and probably ones that take up less LI too. I appreciate each and every one of you that still comes to me for your old fashioned prim and sculpty needs, assuming I have it. It means a lot to this nearly completely blind woman.

Honestly, each and every customer is precisely why I build in sl at all, and you have kept me going long after I was told I should probably stop, given the fact that I can barely see at this point. From the very bottom of my heart, and every other bit of me too, I thank you all. Even just glancing is a good deed, and you should be happy you've made someone happy just by looking.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

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Not so good..
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 05, 2019 by Ryker Ashdene

I'm sorry but it was bad.. and you cant move it without it coming apart.

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