TOTSIPOP! Mesh Child Avatars! Three Avis for the price of one!! Each set includes:
** Mesh body
** Three skins - 2, 4 & 6 y.o.
(avi is compatible with any SL skin)
** Three shapes - 2, 4 & 6 y.o.
** One hairstyle
** Optional mesh eyeballs in nine shades
** AO with Accessories HUD
** Color HUD so you can wear any skin/shape
and match the mesh body to skin shade
** Alpha HUD to keep your clothes looking their best
** Two sets of undies
- Avis can wear TOTSIPOP! brand clothing and any Teen Turf Child Mesh clothing! Clothing can be found at the TOTSIPOP! Main Store and on MP store
– Now outfits are one-size fits all ages 2 4 6 yo
- Full Perm Mesh clothing template set at store In world
- Contact Mallory Witt with any custom requests