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TRUTH HAIR Tom (Mesh Hair) - DEMO

TRUTH HAIR Tom (Mesh Hair) - DEMO
TRUTH HAIR Tom (Mesh Hair) - DEMO
2 Reviews

***This hair is NON-RIGGED MESH - Please try a demo***

[with resize script option]

Hair by Truth Hawks

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Oh my ...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 01, 2021 by Steven Ergenthal

Compared to all those great female hair you have in your shop, the male hairs are just ugly and totally out of date.
It doesn't even fit a standard LeLUTKA Head without spending hours on squeezing and adjusting.
For me, it's kind of unfair that we guys don't get the same attention as the girls get for their hair!
I will - of course - not buy the full version!

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Demo not resizable, but full product is.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 05, 2015 by JasonWolf Merlin

love the way this hair looks and I love the options for colors. It's adjustable on the position of the head, which is also helpful. That said, the description for this product says that a resize script is available, but in this demo, I did NOT find a resize scripted hair. I found a standard size, a female size, and a "large" size. The full version is resizable, but the demo doesn't appear to come with the resizable hair. Given that it is resizable in the full product, I'd highly recommend this hair, and try not to be drawn off by the lack of resize in the demo! I give the demo four stars just because it doesn't have the resizable one in the demo while the product description advertises it as such, but I give the full product five!

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L$ 0

Sold by: Truth Hawks

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Mesh: 100% Mesh