TRUTH Hair Ember - DEMO
This hairstyle is fitted mesh. Please be sure to try a demo. Made with alpha textures so can conflict with other transparent objects.
48 color options per pack plus color-change streaks. Style variations with further options, head & chest sizes.
Contact Truth Hawks in-world. Thanks for shopping at Truth! ♥
See item in Second Life- 4 Style Options
- Hair Color HUD
- Fitted Mesh
- Colour Tinter
- Color-Change Streaks
Bad Demo
This review is only for the way the demo was presented, an alpha prim in front of an alpha hair ? what is the expected result ?
Exactly. A mess...
I can not evaluate the hair because the alpha prim overrides the hair and I cant see anything
L$ 0
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
More info
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- User Licensed