======= RIGGED MESH ARMOR =======
Who ever want to have pure strenght of powerfull Dragon Armor then this is peace of craft you were looking for. Whole avatar is Rigged Mesh with finest details that give nice realism,and yet it keeps fantasy look.
This is a mesh product and requires a viewer capable of viewing mesh.
Be sure to check out other different colors sets before purchase to meet your needs.
For Full Set visit Inworld Store
For any questions Send IM or Notecard to
Topa Adamski
Copyright © 2011,TS Creations.
All rights reserved.
Quality Mesh
This mesh armor is by far the best available in SL. Extremely detailed in all the work, and the cape is well done as well, not the cheesy poorly designed capes you see a lot in SL, but this one actually flows naturally and realistically.
Also I accidentally ordered two of them due to my mistake (the product is copyable) and he wasted no time in getting me a refund of the accidental double purchase.
Amazing armor.
Wow. I saw this and jumped on it in a heart beat. Wish they had a combined set of all the colors.. 2,100 per color is rather expensive.. but this stuff is definately some of the best armor I've seen in SL, and its mesh! :D
Only thing I am not a fan of is the giant spikes on the knee caps... disadvantage of mesh is I can't edit it away like you can with linked sculpties :( lol.
If there was a less 'spikey' version this would be 100% the best armor in SL period. Right now its still pretty amazing and definately a 5 star product.. Can't wait to see whats in store next now that this was released.. TSC continues to put out top quality fantasy/medieval armor.