G Geral

TSH Crown Royal Decadent Cat Bed SET

TSH Crown Royal Decadent Cat Bed SET

TSH Crown Royal Decadent Cat Bed SET

An ornate Cat Bed SET with precious gems decorating front & golden crown adorning the back, carved wooden ball & claw antique legs, velvets, brocades, Victorian textures, vintage pillows and bed cushion. A little rat sits on edge and the bed plays a purring sound loop on touch. SET has 3 Sizes for all your KittyCatS needs.

Large fits Kittycats Megapuss or put a bunch of your kittens into one bed! It's big! :)
Regular size &
Small for teacups

The Cat Bed Linked SET Large (13 Priims)
Regular Cat Bed (10 prims)
Small Beds (9 prims)
Partial Mesh. Copy Only.

Also included is a Landmark for my Torgon KittyCatS Market in-world.