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*TSM* Morning Hunt - LE Release - Light Rainbows - 21 of 25 Left

*TSM* Morning Hunt - LE Release - Light Rainbows - 21 of 25 Left

The Stringer Mausoleum

Which side will you choose?


Please refer to Helena Stringer's Inworld Profile for the most updated Store Policies.


This is a Limited Edition Hairstyle, created for just for my personal use.

I eventually shared it, after enough people asked about it, in 2013. Since then, it has been hiding in my inventory.

I have been wearing it a lot again, and had a few people ask if I had considered selling it again.

I had it out briefly as a Limited Edition, and have decided that I am willing to put a few up on SL Marketplace, for those who are interested and never had the inworld opportunity to purchase a copy.

I am only going to put the unsold quantities up, to be fair to those who did buy it with the knowledge that they were getting a Limited Edition item.

This has to be in my top ten for my SL creations, I wear it a lot. I hope you enjoy it as well.

  • This is a Limited Edition Item, thus limited in number