TX Taxi Service System Version 1.0
Link and Go - GROUP USE for RP
Fees calculated during and at end of ride
Operator panel Included
Light Included
Sit Balls and Pose included
Online/Offline/Eject/Light functions
Position, Link to your build and GO!
- Sit ball descriptions define number of seconds PER linden (hint) make them large enough to easily hit when people open the doors.
- Taxi light controlled by panel OR customer sit.
- Fee announced - and calculated after the first 30 seconds of the ride or upon standing or being ejected.
- Operator panel functions ONLINE, OFFLINE, EJECT.
- Warn: Eject will eject ALL riders, not just the unruly one.
- System IS full perms, feel free to modify, however the trade off to this is NO SUPPORT for mods.
Permissions are COPY, MODIFY, TRANSFER as part of a build, No single part of this may be sold standalone, scripts cannot be sold with the claims they are yours. Fair use is linking it to a vehicle, then selling it mod copy no transfer OR transfer. You know the drill folks.
CAR in images NOT inlcuded. Just the Taxi System. If you want a car like that , IM me.
- Link and Go - GROUP USE!
- Fees calculated during and at end of ride
- Operator panel Included
- Light Included
- Online/Offline/Eject/Light functions