[Tali] Full mesh avatar
![[Tali] Full mesh avatar](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/13210840/view_large/tali.jpg?1453216801)

About Tali:
Since the armors are MOD you can play around with the shininess, just remember making a copy before chaging any default feature in case you are not happy after making them.
There are 4 different textures: Tali 1, Tali 2, armoured Tali 1 and armoured Tali 2.
Each of these textures has 2 subdivisions: opaque and reflex.
And finally each has 3 design: normal, no mask and hood down.
NOTE: the alpha mask for any of the Tali 1 or 2 is the same, the Armoured Tali 1 and 2, however, have a different alpha mask.
You can control the helmet visor opacity in the local chat channel 0 or 1 (examples are given in channel 1 to avoid spamming).
/1fade 0 (the visor is totally transparent)
/1fade 100 (the visor is totally opaque)
/1fade # (change the # for any number between 0 and 100 to get different results, 50 to 80 is recomendable for a semitransparent visor)
Wear the Pistol and Pistol sling.
The Pistol commands are:
/1p1 Draw Pistol
/1p0 Sling Pistol
/1r Reload
/1text Shows number of ammo
/1notext Hides number of ammo
/1training Uses training bullets (1 % LL damage)
/1damage Uses combat bullets (100 % LL damage)
/1auto Full automatico mode
/1semi Semi automatic mode
Second life graphic engine allows 2 major types of rendering.
The basic one is the one we all have by default., but users with advanced graphic cards have access (in the graphic preferences... control + p) to activate "lighting and shadows" which makes much more realistic textures and reflextions.
The reflex version was meant to use WITH "lighting and shadows" checked.
Regarding your graphic preferences (ctrl P) you will see these items in a different fashion:
_if you have "lighting and shadows" checked you will see them as a metal-like surface.
_if you have "lighting and shadows" unchecked you will see them as a mirror/plastic-like surface.
Try both and see which one is best for you.
See item in Second Life- 2 colors
Pretty detailed, all the options look good and the gun even works. Way better than the price may suggest.
<3 sweet....
i really love it and easy to adapt i managed to fit this on my solarian :3
thank you
L$ 200
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