Teegle Dogs - Texture Barn: Arctic White wolf or dog coat

Texture pack designed to fit on the Teegle Dogs of all breeds. Looks especially good on the WOLF but fits on all Teegle animesh dogs.
To install, unpack the package that comes to you by wearing and clicking the desired box. Wear the Applier HUD while standing close to your Teegle dog and click the HUD. Be sure that the dog's texture settings are set to unlocked in order for the texture to apply.
This pack is for the textures/skins only. Wolf puppy is sold separately. Accessories, if pictured, are not included with this pack, shown for example only. These textures are copy for your own personal use only inworld, cannot be taken offworld for modification without permission from the artist, NOT FOR RESALE. All textures are copyright LadyJess Przhevalsky.
See item in Second LifeL$ 450
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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
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- User Licensed