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[Teegle] Spooky Carriage for Teeglepet Skeleton Horse Version 1.0

[Teegle] Spooky Carriage for Teeglepet Skeleton Horse
[Teegle] Spooky Carriage for Teeglepet Skeleton Horse
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Animated mesh carriage and harness for the teeglepet SKELETON horse only! Comes with its own spooky skeleton driver so you can ride in style!

Carriage features:
Full, custom mesh
Optional driver in the front seat
Seats three riders behind, or two behind and one in front if driver is unlinked!
Driver's hands really move with the reins!
Full spooky harness included!
Articulating front axle that turns with the horse!
Lanterns wobble when the carriage is moving!
Hood can be raised or lowered
Carriage works both worn or rezzed (must rez to carry other passengers)
Candle flames texture change with your Styx skeleton horse's heart flame!
Easy installer does all the work for you!!!

To install your Spooky Carriage on your Teeglepet Skeleton Horse:

1. Rez your skeleton horse and the Spooky Carriage Installer prim on the ground
2. Left click on the large yellow prim
3. The first time you click on your carriage's yellow prim, it will ask for permission to link objects. Grant it permissions by clicking yes
4. Left click your carriage's yellow prim again
5. Your skeleton horse should now glow. If he doesn't glow, move the installer closer and click again
6. Click on your glowing skeleton horse
7. Wait a moment for the installer to install all contents (it will show progress in hovertext)
8. Your carriage will position itself in place, change your animation config to the carriage config, and delete the yellow prim, all on its own!

If you want to take the carriage off your horse:

1. Left click your horse
2. In the blue menu pop up, click Unlink (not in the edit menu)
3. If your horse asks for permissions to unlink, click yes
4. Click every number relating to the carriage
5. >>IMPORTANT<< Left click your horse, and in the pop up menu, go to Animations > Config
6. >>IMPORTANT<< Set your horse back to the Teeglepet config
^ if you miss the above step, you will still be sitting behind your horse when you try to ride ^

Texturing your carriage

Your carriage comes with textures for the skeleton driver's bones, and for the seat colors
Use the included texture HUD to change textures and tint
The candle flames will respond to the heart flame section of the skeleton horse's texture applier, so your horse and carriage match!
If you have already textured your horse, just use the skeleton horse texture applier to set his heart flame color again, after the carriage is linked to the horse

Carriage Driver

Your carriage has a hidden driver setting!
With the skeleton driver linked to the carriage, three passengers will sit in the back seat
If you unlink the skeleton driver, the passenger in seat 1 will be the driver instead!

Carriage Hood

Ride with hood up or hood down!
Type in local chat:
/99 hood up (to raise the hood)
/99 hood down (to lower the hood)

Animation errors

We've done our best to deliver a really cool, uniquely animated product! But unique rigs have their downsides!
The carriage contains some small animation errors that are unfixable due to second life's limited animation system:
(wheel bobbing on animation change, desync between driver hands and reins when an avatar is driving, etc)
If you notice any animation errors more serious than these, please report them to Teegle Resident

See item in Second Life

L$ 950

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Teegle Animesh Pets
Teegle Animesh Pets
Sold by: teegle

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

Works with Teegle Avatars
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Mesh: 100% Mesh