I was convinced that my scripting is actually decent so here's a teleport script I made that I use to get around my home quicker.
How to use:
-Place down two prims (Or if you have another object you want to use I'm sure its fine though I haven't tested it)
-Get the X, Y, Z positions for both prims. (must be in the same region)
-Put the script into each of the prims (or if it's a one way trip you only need to put a script in the sending prim)
-Click the scripted prim and enter the coordinates into the textbox (make sure it's in the correct format or you'll have to re-enter them)
-Sit on the prim and boom. Instant transport.
Hope you find this as useful as I do. Please send me a notecard if you have any questions or comments.
Anyone can set the destination. So people can troll you.
Very useful script that helps a lot to set some TP point quickly!