Temizi Store "Enola Eyeshadow" - DEMO

Hello lovers of LeLUTKA, looking for cosmetics for your new head ??!
COLLAB: Sugarose x Temizi Store:
Sugarose - Enola Lipgloss DEMO: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/sugarose-lipstick-Enola-lelutka-evol-Evol-X-Demo/21900482
ONLY: LeLUTKA EVO X and Evolution
"Enola Eyeshadow" is a collection of eye shadows with 16 colors, from soft tones to more intense, in addition, the eye makeup has a shiny appearance, guaranteeing a gloss texture to match the "Sugarose - Enola Lipgloss", in addition , the black outline has a skin texture and a fine metallic glitter line detail at the tips of the eyeliner.
Try the demo first.
- lelutka
- evo x
- avalon
- evolution
- evolution
L$ 0
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