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Texture Floor Carpet White Classic

Texture Floor  Carpet White  Classic

1 Texture Floor Carpet White Classic size 1024 x 512

  • 1 Texture Floor Carpet White Classic size 1024 x 512
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Not Seamless
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado April 25, 2018 por AidenBlackthorne69

Not that this product claimed to be, but is expected since it is a carpet. Hope its updated sometime.

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Would have been nice if the texture could be repeated nicely...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publicado August 12, 2017 por SayaBanpaia

It would have been a lovely carpet but when you try and tile the texture, the texture does NOT line up. The texture looks fake and you can clearly see it's not lined up. Would only work nicely if it was for something small like a doormat or bathroom floor rug. Was not meant to be repeated without looking bad.

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full star full star full star full star empty star Publicado June 28, 2017 por TeganMalone

well worth the lindens

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Simple but beautiful
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado February 23, 2017 por BunnyVonPink

This is definitely one of your better rug textures. It looks very thick on a rug sculpt or if you want to replace a rug texture. I used it on a sex rug I wanted to replace the texture of and it has a wrinkle in it and this texture looks gorgeous. It just comes across as so elegant. This could go in a comfy casual bedroom or even a high styled office. It basically fits everywhere. Right now I'm on a white kick and this texture is coming in very handy. It also works very well for wall to wall carpeting or even some Shower curtain, towel designs I've seen. It has many different uses. You can even tint the color getting even several more uses from it. I bet it would look lovely in black as well. I love it. And I love this little store. I've found so many great styles here. One I'll be keeping my eye on. I think I've purchased most of the white and silver textures here. So glad I've found this place.

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